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Green White Youth Travel Tryouts May 27 & May 28

By Rick Kaempfer, 05/14/14, 10:15AM CDT


Boys & Girls, Ages 6-18

Register for 2014/2015 Travel Tryouts Now!

It's that time of year again, time to register for Green White youth travel tryouts! May 27 & May 28 at Metro Majewski Park. We have teams at nearly every age and skill level, and we welcome everyone to tryout for the best travel soccer value in the northwest suburbs! 

No payment is required to register for tryouts. Print the receipt you receive after you have registered and bring that with you to our tryouts on May 27 & May 28 at Metro Majewski Park (Click here for map and directions)

Boys tryouts (ages 6-18) will be from 5:30--6:45pm on May 27 & May 28 (field closest to the clubhouse)

Girls tryouts (ages 6-18) will be from 7:00-8:15pm on May 27 & May 28 (field closest to the clubhouse)

Please have your children wear their proper soccer gear (shinguards and cleats), and bring a ball and water bottle.

To register, click on the link below and fill out the form. See you at the fields!

Print out the flier below for more info--and be sure to share with all your friends! The kids have even more fun when they can play soccer with their friends.